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Getting started

1. Sign a contract with antegma

To use the Canto Integration for Hootsuite, you've to sign a contract with antegma. 

Open the dashboard in Hootsuite

2. Search the app in the Hootsuite App Directory

Open the dashboard in Hootsuite

Click on your profile and open the App Directory

Search for Canto in the Hootsuite App Directory

Search for Canto in the Hootsuite App Directory

antegma install the Canto Integration in the Hootsuite App Directory.


Hootsuite App for Canto

Canto for Hootsuite (Global)

Canto for Hootsuite (COM)

Canto for Hootsuite (DE)

3. Install the app

Click on the button install for init the installation of the app "Canto for Hootsuite".

4. Login into Canto (Content Source)

After the installation of the app in step 3, you will be redirect to the Content Source part of the application. Please login one of the following options to login into Canto:

  1. Enter the Canto Account Name, Canto Username and Canto Password 

  2. Enter the Canto Account Name and click on Login with SSO

Enter credentials for Canto

5. Login into Canto (Media Library)

Open the Composer in Hootsuite and click on Media Library.

Open Media Libraries in Hootsuite Composer

Select the Media Library "Canto for Hootsuite".

Use one of the following options to login into Canto:

  1. Enter the Canto Account Name, Canto Username and Canto Password 

  2. Enter the Canto Account Name and click on Login with SSO

Enter your credentials of Canto into the Media Library app

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