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Installation as dependencies of an Adobe Experience Manager project

You can define the different packages and bundles of the ACCALLI/O CA as part of your AEM project using Apache Maven.

 Please check out following instruction regarding the usage of the Maven Plaugin FilevVault plugin.

To include content packages into your project, please use the configuration element "subPackages" of Maven Plaugin FilevVault plugin.

To include OSGI bundles into your project, please use the configuration element "embeddeds" of Maven Plaugin FilevVault plugin.


ACCALLI/O CA packages are available through the following

Use the following profile in your maven ~/.m2/settings.xml:


		<releaseRepository-Name>accallio Releases</releaseRepository-Name>

			<name>accallio Releases Repository</name>

Former IMPRISIS CA Releases

Former IMPRISIS CA packages are available through the following

Use the following profile in your maven ~/.m2/settings.xml:


		<releaseRepository-Name>IMPRISIS Releases</releaseRepository-Name>

			<name>IMPRISIS Releases Repository</name>

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